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How recycled beauty packaging helps the planet

How recycled beauty packaging helps the planet How recycled beauty packaging helps the planet

By Jyoti Thakur

19th July, 2023

How recycled beauty packaging helps the planet

Recycling is something that most of us are, hopefully, already very invested in. Cardboard boxes, empty cans, and glass bottles – we all know how to get rid of kitchen waste appropriately. But did you ever think about your beauty product’s packaging before? We did and are proud to say that many of our products come in bottles made out of recycled plastic or are wrapped in paper. This way we guarantee product safety that doesn’t negatively affect the environment. Get the lowdown on how recycling helps the environment here. If you have a look around your bathroom or your dressing table, you’ll see that most of your products are wrapped and packaged in one of these options:

Packaging in the beauty industry

  • Plastic
  • Glass
  • Aluminum
  • Paper and cardboard

While the latter three are already a great step towards a more sustainable beauty routine, plastic packaging can be hard to avoid. We know, it can be hard. The good news is that not all plastic is as bad as the others. For example, we at Love Beauty and Planet are committed to only producing packaging made out of recycled plastic – we give previously used plastics a new life and spare the planet some unnecessary pollution.
Every little bit of plastic that ends up in the environment, especially the oceans, has negative consequences for humans – even if we don’t notice them at first. Want to know more? Why not read our article about microplastics pollution.

Why is recycling important?

If you still have some products wrapped in normal, non-recycled plastic, there’s no need to panic. First off, make sure to use up every last bit of product that’s in there – that way, you’re not wasting any product. When it’s all empty, it’s important that you recycle the packaging accordingly. This way it won’t end up in the oceans, won’t contribute to plastic pollution, and will get the chance to be reused. If you want to know about how you can minimize the plastic use in your bathroom, check our article on getting your bathroom as plastic-free as possible.

Things to keep in mind

Now you’ve used up your old products, why not have a look at our shampoo and body washes? They are not just kinder to the environment, but also to your skin and hair.
If you want to do even more, check out our shampoo bars and bar soaps wrapped in paper for even less plastic packaging in your household.